Day 006 - #100DaysOfCode
A mixed bag today. I wrapped up another day of last years AdventOfCode 2021 day 2. In this cacase interpreting a set of up
, down
, forward
commands to retain position at the end of the sequence.
On a side project I had to ignore some ESLint
errors on a side project to allow for a broken state in an app to be in the right spot for a demonstration. I failed to do it in the package.json
but most likely as there was an .eslingrc.js
file instead which presumably means the package.json
exception would be removed? Commit eca47a98 on failure-driven TODO pairing Dojo ignoring the no-unused-vars
rule in this case
// .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
plugins: ["react", "jest"],
rules: {
"no-unused-vars": "off"
Carrying from yesterday I also took a look at writing a web scraper that uses Sidekiq to perform web scraping jobs. Unfortunately it did not go according to plan. The idea was to write some broken code, have Sidekiq run it and fail and upon reading the failure message in the Retry
queue of sidekiq, put in a fix for sidkiq to pick up next itme. Problem is some problems don’t get retried and the ones that error usually don’t give you all that much to go on and figure out what to build next. To add to that, I don’t have a quick way to “auto reload” ruby code into sidekiq. Also I needed a fair bit of tweaking to get various parts of the scraping working. Finally once it was somewhat working it very quickly triggered some kind of Unusual Traffic Activity warning requiring a reCAPTCCHA to unlock. Well at leas the concpet worked. Might want to look into throttling the jobs next ;)