Day 009 - #100DaysOfCode
Another day where I am feeling like just catching up on life. I did manage to read some code. Back when I was at High Scool and my father was a programmer there used to be a “Computers in the classroom” in the Australian news paper. One of the more interesting columns was by Tim Hartnell where he would discuss a topic and share a half page BASIC program (IBM PC compatible). 1 Such artilce I have scanned below which is a pattern generator using ASCII art.
This made me think where all these things are up to
- Tim Hartnell died a year after these articles were published from cancer at the age of 40
- sadly even a tribute to him is now a 404 page
- as for BASIC - well there are a number of emulators
I should take a look at some of these or look at rewriting some of these early ideas in JavaScript or similar.