Received a pair of Quansheng UV-K5 radios for my son and I to get our foundation license and have something to talk on. There is quite a number of settings to get my head around but jumping on the UHF CB frequencies, looks all good on a quick RX/TX test.

One of the reasons I went for the Quansheng over the Baofeng, was the larger number of frequencies it receives on and the fact you can update the firmware. I might look at the firmware at a later point but one frequency it does seem to receive on is 400.5MHz, 401.5MHz and 402.5MHz which I have been recently listening to on an RTl-SDR USB dongle to get radiosonde signals on my computer. I managed to live decode the signals on the laptop today via blackhole virtual audo interface and sondedump program, setup as disucssed yesterday. Given that I can receive the same frequencies on a hand held radio, shouldn’t I be able to take the audio output and process that to get the radiosonde coordinates? This should suggest a much simpler setup then the RasPi/RTL-SDR I was originally thinking of, all I need is something like an Arduino and to work out how to decode the audio signals? I came across the following proof of concept video

  Décodeur radiosonde M10 Arduino F4GMU (M10 Arduino F4GMU radiosonde decoder)

by djecom2 @F4GMU. On the vide there seems to be an interaction 6 years ago:


Can you share the coding with me please


Martin Fraser Years of work. So no. Sorry

after looking around on the web I did manage to find which just may do the trick, although it does look overly complicated. It seems that it may actually run the radio via a LoRa module as well as decoding the sound? Still that and the sondedump C code should be enough to get a simpler prototype up and running. I am thinking along the lines of:

| Quansheng  |         ----------
| UV-K5      |        | Arduino/ |                            ---------
| 400-403MHz |-audio->|  ESP32   |           ---------       | OLED    |
| Audio out  |        | ADC pin  |-digital->| Decoder |-SPI->| display |
 ------------          ----------            ---------        ---------
  • an ADC (Analog to Digital) converter gets the signal
  • some decoding and filtering is performed to identify the signal and extract the bits of data
  • finally display it on a small OLED display

it’s the decoding and filtering that sound like the hard parts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

either way, first thing would be to confirm that the signal can be received by the radio tomorrow at 10am when the next balloon is released and also check that the computer is able to decode the sound via the microphone, to confirm an audio coupling is satisfactory

The other thing I need to focus on is the foundation license. Appart from the

The Foundation Manual - Your Entry Into Amateur Radio

there is this YouTube series:

REAST Training & Assessment - Reast Hobart

  REAST Training & Assessment - Reast Hobart

hopefully I’ll let some soldersmoke out tonight on one of those morse code practice oscillators …

More radiosonde info

Found this really detailed blog on radiosondes Alex’s blog - Radiosonde Hunting Sunday, May 24, 2020 . This makes mention of a lot of resrouces like:

  • how people have re-puropsed radiosondes to transmit
  • how people find radiosondes including building their own power meters 
  Wetter-Sonden-Tracker von OE3AJC - lerrypage

    althought it seems hard to find the source code

  • some ideas on making a yagi using a TV rabbit ear antenna
  • a whole bunch of software and hardware options for listening and decoding signals (althought none of these really seem to be of any need compared to sondedump)
  • as well as using TTGO ESP32 LoRa hardware
  • also smartphone App controlled devices?
  • the author’s approach of using rtl-sdr package and a bunch of shell scripts that seem to define the radio? - as well as setting up an SPP (Serial Port Profile) to communicate data from a backpack computer to a smartphone to simplify hands free finding.
  • a video around how to use the LoRa TTGO board

    #360 Tracking and Chasing Weather Balloons with TTGO LoRa Board and Raspberry Pi. Fun and Adventure - Andreas Spiess

  #360 Tracking and Chasing Weather Balloons with TTGO LoRa Board and
  Raspberry Pi. Fun and Adventure - Andreas Spiess

  • which makes me think, is it just a question of decoding APRS ?

    Tracker APRS bi-frequences - djecom2

  Tracker APRS bi-frequences - djecom2

    but still no code from @djecom2

  • Receiving APRS using Baofeng UV-5R and ESP32 - Ryan Kinnett 
  Receiving APRS using Baofeng UV-5R and ESP32 - Ryan Kinnett

    seems to stream sound via Wifi and uses the PC to decode the APRS signal

  • Finally Arduino Decoder for APRS monitoring with using OLED as well as MP3-Player - DJ7OO

  Decoder for APRS monitoring with using OLED as well as MP3-Player - DJ7OO

    seems to actually decode on Arduino, using 2 Arduino Pro’s, but again no code

    @amessiah_ 5 years ago

    Same. Share code with us.

    @CharudattUplap 6 years ago

    Klaus , where can I find the code for this.

    @MeineVideokasetten 3 years ago

    He’ll never answer!

    and references the code being at

ok and about those UV-K5’s, maybe one time there will be time to put some of the alternate software